Thursday, June 19, 2014


but first less know what is a good relationship is
What is a good relationship?

Simply put, a good relationship is a beautiful experience.
It’s easy to find it but it’s even more easy to overlook it.
You can spend all your life looking for true love and a good relationship, and you may never experience it even if it’s right in front of your eyes.
After all, a good relationship requires the happy and willing effort of two lovers, and it blooms more with each passing day.
Want to know if you’re in a good relationship? These ten good relationship factors will show you the way.
1.relationships, while they are beautiful  and rewarding
A good relationship must be balanced. Each partner must be willing to give and take in all areas and aspects of the relationship. Every relationship is different and there is no manual or how-to-guide to make things work out. Each relationship will have ups and downs and each couple will learn valuable lessons along the way.

2.You argue constructively

Arguments are never bad, as long as it’s limited to a rare occasion. After all, an argument is only a sign of misunderstanding unless it results because of a bigger conflict like an affair. 
In a good relationship, you may have differences or arguments, but it’s always constructive to the relationship. You voice your opinions and help your partner understand how you’re feeling and what you really want. By bring up a touchy subject and clearing the air, it helps bring both of you closer in the long run, just as long as the same mistakes don’t happen again.
And always remember this, irrespective of who started a fight, it’s the responsibility of both partners to end it as soon as possible.

3.Know What Sets Off Your Partner

There may be a certain phrase, word or just general mention that may set your partner into a fury. Take a step back and when having an argument or conversation try not to use those phrases or words because you don’t want your partner to feel like they’re being attacked.

4.Don’t Bring Up the Past

The past is exactly that - the past. When about controversial subjects there is no need to bring up what has happened in the past. Moving on from a situation is a step towards overcoming obstacles and growing as a couple. We all can grow from out mistakes and the obstacles that we've faced - so continue to grow and do not dwell in issues that you have already overcome.

5. Your love isn’t changing him. 
A misunderstanding of this truth is why we date bad boys and “flirt to convert.” We love a good Beauty and the Beast story with notions that our love will help our man turn from his old ways and embrace purity, maybe sobriety and even Jesus.
But the truth is, romantic love doesn’t transform people. If your man has a millstone tied around his neck and is sinking to the bottom of the ocean, you're not going to be able to swim him to the surface just by latching on. Eventually, you’ll be at the bottom of the ocean with him.
 6.Men want to feel needed.

 It's important to be independent and capable of looking after your own needs, but if that turns into carrying a “I'll never need a man” chip on your shoulder, you may drive him away. Men like to know they are needed in your life. Whether it’s fixing your car, providing financially for you or solving a problem, men actually like being asked to help. Create some space in your relationship, give up some control and don't be afraid of giving him the opportunity to help.

7.Never Go to Sleep Mad

Always finish your arguments and disagreements on the day that they occur. It's much easier said than done however you never want to go to bed and carry on problems to another day. Why not use the following day as a brand new start? Make your best efforts and attempts to resolve issues before you go to sleep and make sure both parties have a clear understanding of all issues.

8. You deserve a lifetime commitment, not just a social media one. 
The truth is, many women don’t believe they deserve any better than the occasional text or a late-night rendezvous. If you want a lifetime commitment, you need to set your standards accordingly. A late-night “Out tonight?” text? You were made for more than pathetic attempts at dating. Hold out for the guy who will be in your life for the long haul.

9.Maintain a Balance

Date night and alone time is a must and sitting down watching your favorite sitcom doesn’t count. Make time for each other. Enjoy an activity outdoors, take on a new hobby together, take a walk and appreciate nature together. It is very important that each partner make time for each other and acknowledge your relationship as a priority.


The Bible instructs us to forgive as the Lord has forgave us. Holding grudges and staying upset can cause a rift between couples. There is no need to hold on to disagreements when a resolution can easily be derived. Strive to  forgive each other because everyone is going to make mistakes. Live, learn and forgive

 11.He’s not your last chance. 

Many women stay in bad relationships, falsely believing he’s their last chance. Whether we think we’re too old, too long-gone, too messed up or have put too much time into a relationship—it’s commonplace to stay with a guy because we think it’s either him or being alone for the next 30 years. I know the statistics, I know how hard it is to find a good man—but don’t buy into the lie that a mediocre relationship is your last chance.
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